Luxuriously furnished penthouse in Hamburg Uhlenhorst
rental only from asap until 30.06.2024
Luxurious furnishings and perfect design determine the style of the apartment and provide a cool-comfortable atmosphere.
Gray design flooring in combination with modern wallpaper patterns and quiet wall surfaces contrast with individual pictures and a warm wood tone in the continuous grain of the kitchen front. Other kitchen elements are almost invisibly integrated into a pillar. The living area is very modern. A HD TV (50 inches) is available. The two richly planted roof terraces are accessible from the large living room with kitchen and dining area. An automatic irrigation system provides the plants, so you can enjoy the small green oasis carefree. The bedroom is equipped with a 1.60 m wide double bed. In addition, a guest room with a 0.90 m wide bed is available. A large underground parking space is included in the rental price
Online viewing of the flat (360 ° panorama photos):
Energy pass information acc. to § 16a EnEV 2014:
Type of energy pass: Energy demand certificate
Final demand value: 53,5 kWh/(m²*a)
Main source of heating energy heating: district heating
Year of construction: 2010
parquett flooring
built-in kitchen
bathroom with shower
separate bedrooms
Firmenname: MWZ Immobilien GmbH
Geschäftsführung: Andreas Schauer, Elke Pukall
Adresse: Schulterblatt 112
20357 Hamburg
Tel.: + 49 (0) 40 4313570
USt.-IdNr.: DE-118609876
Kammer: Handelskammer Hamburg
Aufsichtsbehörde: Stadt Hamburg, Bezirksamt Eimsbüttel; Zentrum für Wirtschaft, Bauen und Umwelt, Grindelberg 62 - 66, 20144 Hamburg, Tel. 040-42801 2117
V.i.S.d.P.: Elke Pukall
HR-Nummer: HRB 48 844
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Hamburg
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