Very modern and comfortable studio apartment in Kiel-Schreventeich, furnished
The open studio apartment is appointed with a breakfast kitchen and a sleeping gallery. Light-flooded and modern furnished the flat lies in central location near the Dreiecksplatz. Furthermore the apartment has parquet floor and a bathroom with a tub, a washing machine and a dryer. The living room contains a plasma TV and a DVD player.
More furnished flats and property rentals in Kiel and Luebeck on . Accommodation offers for furnished short-term accommodation, flats, apartments, houses and rooms arranges HomeCompany nationwide.
Firmenname: HomeCompany Kiel
Inhaber: Thomas Fierus
Adresse: Lutherstraße 38-40
24114 Kiel
Tel.: + 49 (0) 431 - 19445
Fax: + 49 (0) 431 - 9828501
USt.-IdNr.: DE 220471769
Aufsichtsbehörde: Bürger- und Ordnungsamt, Gewerbeabteilung, Landeshauptstadt Kiel, Andreas Gayk Straße 31c, 24103 Kiel
V.i.S.d.P.: Thomas Fierus
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